By the 1930s, Dieter Braun and Hans Türner, two young chemical engineers, get many awards in their country of origin, including through the identification of the properties of certain genes in fields as diverse as biology, agronomy or eugenics. But the lack of recognition of the authorities at the end of World War II drives to choose a more welcoming place to continue their work. They decide to leave Europe in the mid-1940s to settle in South America.

They melt at the Carioca "Marron yTornero Químicos®" laboratory for studying the energizing properties of coca, they take the leaf as an emblem.

The old factory « Marrón y Tornero » in Carioca (Bolivia) 1946 © Brown Turner Chemicals Inc  

Their research leads in 1948 filed a patent for an energy drink coca,

soda « Marron y Tornero Químicos® »

Soda bottle «Marrón y Tornero »  1948 © Brown Turner Chemicals Inc

Parallel to this research in the narco-pharmaceutical field, Dieter Braun and Hans Türner experiment with crosses between different species, both in the plant area animal. These are promising beginnings of Genetics.

In 1950, they moved to the United States, where they founded the company "BROWN TURNER Chemicals®" They get the title of honorary citizens through an experiment that would revolutionize the food and film industries: the cross between a pygmy jerboa (pygmy jerboa) and an ear of corn, and the creation of popcorn.

A simple idea can be the source of great achievements, if it is supported by engineering. One of the founders of BROWN TURNER Chemicals® has no limit.

Dieter Braun and Hans Türner created in 1961 their motto still ours today: Invisible particles, visible happiness.

It is in this context that generous BROWN TURNER Chemicals® also works since the 1970s, with discretion and efficiency in the field of armaments. It is this sacrifice that has cost the lives of founders BROWN TURNER Chemicals®, victims of an accidental explosion of a tank yellow agent, their new defoliant, when tested in the Delta Mekong October 6 1974.

True to the spirit of its founders, BROWN TURNER Chemicals® Expands in Brazil in the 1980s, and decided to take a decisive turn: now helping poor people will be conducted in conjunction with the development of our Western societies.

Logo « Marrón y Tornero » 1946 © Brown Turner Chemicals Inc

BROWN TURNER Chemicals® yesterday and today has a specific objective and humanistic: Make closer continents bring development to the poorest people, helping people to eat well, creating resistant varieties of plants, and self -pollinators to escape the dictates of some insects (bees, butterflies ...) for their growth and reproduction.

The research department BROWN TURNER Chemicals® installed in the factory Palo Verde (USA) is now a leader in this field, no pun intended, is a real "hive", currently being expanded.

Factory « Brown Turner Chemicals » Palo Verde (USA) and its expansions © Brown Turner Chemicals Inc


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